Exciting news ! We have a new center opening on Goldstream on Sept 6 for ages newborn to 36 months. Also available Multi age care with an Early Childhood Educator for sibling groups , newborn to school age. Hours are 7:00-5:00
Registration being taken from 250-391-7698 Well time is running our for our yearly curriculum but we are working hard at getting our graduation ceremony ready for all of our parents. Don't forget on June 28th at 5:45 we will be starting the ceremony to recognize all students in the center. All family members are welcome and don't foget your camera's.
We have also just started the butterfly larvae in the center and are enjoying watching all the changes that are happening quickly. A new feature for us is our our Facebook page that is a closed group page. This is only for registered children and the public does not have access to this. This is a great showcase for all parents to view all the photos and videos in the center and we update it frequently. Check it out at : Almosthome Childcare/Preschool Welcome also to our new ECE student in the center |
February 2025