What a great couple of weeks with our little bunnies. We are almost at the end of our month of our science bunnies. We have been raising these bunnies since they were born and they are getting so big. Every week Mrs. Wendy brings them in for science and we talk about how big they are getting , what they are eating and what is next for them. They are use to being without their moms now. We also took our pictures with them today to have a special memory !
Next month we are starting our Butterly larvae so we are learning alot about eggs and animals. We are also having our first summer picnic with out Westshore friends.
We have room for new friends in September if you would like to contact the center to arrange a visit and pick up a parent package. Some of our friends are graduating and moving onto school so we are looking for new friends to join us.
Happy Easter Friends. Hope you all have a great long weekend rest and some great family time. We had a great Easter week making our bunny door hangers, coloring eggs and our Easter Egg Name hunt! You all did such a great job! Thank you Cameron for the cupcakes , they were delicious. It was really fun to see that the Easter Bunny had made a visit to us while we were out playing and left us little packages in our cubbies. See you Tuesday.
February 2025